Teachers Against Bullying
Welcome to our Blog! We hope that everyone takes this space as a chance to communicate and share their experiences, ideas and thoughts so that we can all learn and work together in our teaching community to put a stop to bullying. 
6/6/2011 03:45:50 am

I've had experiences with bullying both as a teacher and as a student. Kids (and even adults!) can be cruel. A lot of the time, I never tell anyone and as a kid (and even now sometimes) it's hard for me to stand up for myself. It's embarrassing to stand up to someone who is putting you down, and I know I'm not alone in thinking this way. As a teacher, I have seen bullying and had absolutely no clue in how to begin addressing it. For these reasons, as a future teacher I want to provide and continue to provide help, resources and support to anyone and everyone about bullying. I feel that if we can raise enough awareness on the subject, it will be ignored less and prevented more. While I know it may be unrealistic to put a complete stop to it, I know as teachers we can play a huge role in preventing it and handling it in a way that will help students instead of allowing it to happen.

6/6/2011 09:39:41 am

I remember when I was in 8th grade, one student threatened me that she would take my hijab(head scarf) and choke me with it. Yet, the teacher continued the lesson and pretended as if she never heard the comment and I found that so strange.Now that I am hoping to pursue my degree in education, I know that is unacceptable behavior in and outside the classroom. Many teachers feel that they do not know how to handle the situation and choose to ignore it. I think that is what my 8th grade teacher felt. But like Sarah said, we can prevent bullying and have to take a stand against it.


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